Harmony Insights

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Harmony empowers Moonbirds and beginner-intermediate Web3 users to quickly learn about important NFT creators, collections, platforms and tooling; content is developed by Harmony and curated with the help of Moonbirds. Users will connect to content through the Harmony website where they'll have access to easy-to-digest one-pagers, dashboards, newsletters, reports, videos and manuals

NFT (other)
Other software tool

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About the project

Harmony empowers Moonbirds and beginner-intermediate Web3 users to quickly learn about important NFT creators, collections, platforms and tooling; content is developed by Harmony and curated with the help of Moonbirds. Users will connect to content through the Harmony website where they'll have access to easy-to-digest one-pagers, dashboards, newsletters, reports, videos and manuals

Mission alignment

  • Create experiences or products which directly benefit holders
  • Elevate Moonbirds and Mythics within the web3 community

Community backers

yuko6803, omri0647, etb2486, Gribbz6758, PLY7485, Emmitt8850, KoshCowboy0001, 0zx.eth, CrazyEyez9997, JackGK2533, KyleATX1349

What is it?


Twitter threads, Discord channels, newsletters and podcasts are the main source for Web3 education. Navigating and digesting content through these mediums is often repetitive, time consuming and siloed. Consumers don’t have user-friendly resources that are simple and accessible; resources that facilitate shared understanding across communities and instill confidence in decision-making


Harmony empowers Moonbirds and beginner-intermediate Web3 users to quickly learn about important NFT creators, collections, platforms and tooling; content is developed by Harmony and curated with the help of Moonbirds. Users will connect to content through the Harmony website where they'll have access to easy-to-digest insights in the form of: one-pagers, dashboards, newsletters, reports, videos and manuals. Entrance to the website will be unlocked with the Harmony NFT

What is Different?

1. Content: Harmony's products (one-pager, manuals, etc.) are laser focused on one topic. Alternatives are often centred around news-of-the-day highlights or POVs

2. Curation: Harmony does all the work, synthesizing the most important facts into easy-to-digest resources that save users time researching and inform decision-making. Alternatives are often long-form papers, podcasts or Twitter threads

3. Audience: Harmony is tailor-made for beginner-intermediate Web3 users and prospective holders. Alternatives often cater to a more sophisticated, down-the-rabbit-hole user

4. Complimentary: Harmony provides value to alternatives by lowering the barrier on accessibility. As understanding grows so will appetite for more regular, detailed information from alternatives

Why is it Relevant?

Software (75%), Artist Support (51%) and Education (46%) are the top three projects Moonbirds hope to see come out of the DAO (see survey). Harmony is a blend of all three projects, making it highly relevant to Moonbirds while aligning with the DAO's mission to create products that directly benefit holders

How does it benefit the Moonbirds and Mythics holder community?

1. Value: Free mint (~0.035 ETH for non-holders) & free advertising for Moonbirds + Proof

2. Education: One-stop-shop for curated content on the most important artists, PFPs, tooling and trends

3. "Seat at the Table": Content curation guided by Moonbirds through surveys

4. Knowledge: Shared understanding and support of digital art will further cement Moonbirds as the "art collector's PFP"

5. Funding for Moonbird Builders: Pay back DAO & invest in future builders through royalties paid to DAO

About the team

Credibility: Diamond Nester, avid NFT collector and passionate about Web3. I am a dedicated community contributor and creator of the Bird's-eye View One-pager

Track Record: 10+ years conceptualizing, building and distributing user-friendly dashboard products and one-pagers for clients

Marketing: Brand strategist with 5+ years promoting awareness, engagement and conversion through effective digital and non-digital advertising campaigns

Expertise: Experienced leader of Analytics & Insights hubs at three different companies, including Amazon

Product strategy


1. Test Products & Consumer Sentiment

2. Create Business Plan


3. Grow Product Inventory

4. Poll Moonbirds (e.g. what topics would you like covered?)

5. Marketing: Proof, Web3, Web2

6. Build, Test, Launch: Website & NFT

7. Ship, Expand and Evolve Platform & Product in 2024 and beyond

What are the risks?

1. Demand Uncertainty: To navigate demand uncertainty, I've been distributing content on Twitter and in Discord since Q4 2022. One-pagers for Moonbirds and William Mapan have been well reviewed by users and I've seen my following increase 15x. Furthermore, I have built and distributed scorecards on Twitter. The early evidence suggests Harmony will help address a need for Moonbirds and the Web3 space as a whole

2. Education: Individual communities get better at education, lessoning the need for platforms like Harmony Insights

3. General NFT Market Sentiment: Are we in a short-term bear market or a never ending decline? Success of Harmony Insights is partially correlated to growth in new entrants

What will the money actually be spent on? Do you expect any other money to come in related to this project, e.g. revenues?


1. Product Development: Creating, curating and maintaining website, one-pagers, dashboards, newsletters, reports, videos and manuals

2. Operating Activities: Ad hoc support as required, royalty/gas fees associated with buying and selling NFTs for research purposes

3. Marketing: Strategy and materials associated with digital and IRL


Harmony will charge ~0.035 ETH to mint it's NFT which will launch in Aug/Sep 2023. 3,500 mints is the goal based on an open mint window lasting until the end of 2023. During the lead up and post NFT launch period, Harmony will activate it's "phase 1" marketing plan to build awareness and convert Web3 and Web2 consumers (see image: "2023 Fund Allocation & Activity Schedule"). Harmony will continue to market and mint NFTs in 2024 and beyond.

Consumers who mint in 2023 are guaranteed access to Harmony products until the end of 2024. For each year following 2024, non-Moonbirds will be required to pay ~0.035 ETH (Moonbirds have a 2-wk window to "re-claim" for free each year).

Recurring revenue is becoming increasingly difficult in the post-royalty era. To account for this, Harmony will offer it's NFT through a renewal-based model. Different structures are being considered, such as: annual/monthly subscription or NFTs with expiration dates.

25% of NFT sales will be directed to the DAO until the $50,000 has been paid back in full. Following reimbursement, the DAO will begin receiving a 5% royalty on future Harmony NFT sales.

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