- mint AI versions of your Moonbirds or make money by allowing others to do that

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Customize your Moonbird using AI and a fun-to-use web app. Moonbirds holders will be able to mint the final output for 0.02 ETH. Furthermore, by leveraging CC0, we will allow non-holders to mint an AI-extended version of a randomly assigned Moonbird for 0.03 ETH and 0.01 ETH will go to the owner of the token ID. Asking for 5 ETH to allow the first 250 holders to mint for free (0.02 * 250 = 5 ETH)

NFT (other)
NFT (art)
Other software tool

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About the project

Customize your Moonbird using AI and a fun-to-use web app. Moonbirds holders will be able to mint the final output for 0.02 ETH. Furthermore, by leveraging CC0, we will allow non-holders to mint an AI-extended version of a randomly assigned Moonbird for 0.03 ETH and 0.01 ETH will go to the owner of the token ID. Asking for 5 ETH to allow the first 250 holders to mint for free (0.02 * 250 = 5 ETH)

Mission alignment

  • Create experiences or products which directly benefit holders
  • Elevate Moonbirds and Mythics within the web3 community

Community backers

C01N🪙#6138, Rado#3202, cropcircle#5151, silv.eth#5823, jif#4324, tommo#2642

What is it?

At ( we want to allow everyone to experience creating a meaningful artistic piece with no effort. NFT communities are the ideal starting point for our journey. Our app allows Moonbirds holders (and others, like GoblinsTown, MFERs, Azuki, Nouns, Lil-nouns, Bufficorn holders) to experience creativity by painting around their PFP via an AI that mimics the initial style of the image to get to a coherent final result. We also want to provide utility: users that do not own any PFP will be offered to pick from a random set of Moonbirds as a starting point for their experience. The owner of the Moonbird will be rewarded with 33% (0.01 ETH) of the price of the mint if their token is used.

While this is just the start, the real vision here is to enable collaboration between artists and collectors using AI. Collectors that mint a PFP+AI token will have exclusive access to artists launching AI experiences on the platform. After the announcement about how Moonbirds are focusing more on art, I realized this was the perfect community to support the project (I was a holder before that anyway).

If supported by the DAO, we will allow every Moonbirds/Oddities/Proof pass holders to join the experiences at a discounted or free price. We’d love to partner with Proof to involve more artists and are happy to share revenue back with the DAO (10%).

The first signed artist is launching his first-ever NFT work using our product. Frank Zappa called him the Michelangelo of comics, he worked with DC Comics, and his work has been exhibited around the world. A second artist is about to be announced!

We are mostly looking for support by the Proof team and the community. We are asking for 5 ETH to offer free minting to the first 250 holders (each mint would normally cost 0.02 ETH). We also want to make sure that it is ok to mention the Moonbirds brand.

How does it benefit the Moonbirds and Mythics holder community?

1. Moonbirds holders will be able to experience immediate financial benefits as each time non-holders use their Moonbird to create a picture they receive 0.01 ETH.

2. Moonbirds holders will have discounted prices on AI-powered experiences from artists of international caliber

3. The requested funding would cover minting cost for the community (250 Moonbirds holders)

About the team

This is my third startup; the previous two also focused on social content creation.

- My first startup was Jamgle (~$1M raised, 20k active users, team of 15), a web platform leveraging the new HTML5 technologies to create collaborative music videos online;

- After that, I built Castamash, an iOS app that was very similar to what was later on popularized by TikTok duets.

- I worked at Stripe for 4 years, being a founder of the Product Operations Team: by the time I left we had grown the team from 3 people to more than 50

- I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science engineering; at the beginning of my career I worked on a research project for NASA and the results were published and presented at the ICRAT conference in Washington in 2008;

- I am passionate about art and literature: I studied Latin and ancient Greek (I was a finalist at the national Latin translation contest in Italy…def not the kind of contest that makes you popular in school) and I still know by heart entire chants of the Divine Comedy and Homer’s Odyssey; I was a tour guide for tourists in Rome, guiding them through Bernini’s masterpieces. I feel like with this project I can finally fully merge my passions for technology and art and…to answer your question..I actually think this is why I am the right person to bring this vision to life.

- Advisors: Blake Samic (former Head of Product Ops at Stripe and Uber), Flavio Crisciani (Senior Eng Manager at Google, previously VMWare, Docker)

Product strategy

- April 10: website is live, Moonbirds holders can start experiencing the user flow but minting is not enabled yet

- April 18: if approved by the DAO, Moonbirds holders will be able to mint (the first 250 for free ) their Moonbirds+AI token and join the "open collection" ending on May 5

- May 9: Tanino Liberatore, first international artist on the platform, will release his art + ai project and Moonbirds/Mythics holders will have 50% mint price

What are the risks?

- AI lawsuits: this is def one risk to take into account, with several groups of artists fighting to have their copyrights respected by the AI models; I am working on more than one solution for our AI models so that we have backup options in case today’s providers are restricted to operate;

- AI existential risk for artists: artists are worried about AI replacing them and they might not want to be involved with the brand because of that; I believe the blockchain and our product are actually the answer to such concerns because the artist is central to this use case and the AI makes sense only if it starts from their content;

- NFT collecting becomes pure trading: this project rewards holders and believers in PFP and NFT projects; the latest trend is showing signs of NFT trading becoming more and more speculative, giving less meaning to our digital avatars. Direct income potential for holders from the project should alleviate this concern

- Defensibility: as with every early consumer product, we have to be fast, focus on one community/artist at a time and offer the best experience possible to users

What will the money actually be spent on? Do you expect any other money to come in related to this project, e.g. revenues?

Money will be spent to allow the community to experience this for free; we plan to have revenues from minting both PFPs+AI and from taking a cut on the proceedings made by artists on the platform

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