Co-creation smart contract and website. Trustlessly create assets with artist/influencers/brands etc

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A smart contract designed to let two people co-create one NFT, through a website, with full provenance on the blockchain. This proposal is all about unleashing the potential creative and social energy within MB, as well as the entire ecosystem of artists, social audio personalities, storytellers, large media outlets, cc0 communities, PFP communities, and other web3 spokes and drivers.

NFT (art)
NFT (other)
Other software tool
ERC20 token
Advertising opportunity

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About the project

A smart contract designed to let two people co-create one NFT, through a website, with full provenance on the blockchain. This proposal is all about unleashing the potential creative and social energy within MB, as well as the entire ecosystem of artists, social audio personalities, storytellers, large media outlets, cc0 communities, PFP communities, and other web3 spokes and drivers.

Mission alignment

  • Create experiences or products which directly benefit holders
  • Promote the Moonbirds and Mythics brand beyond web3
  • Elevate Moonbirds and Mythics within the web3 community

Community backers

JackGK.ETH#2533, ebenverse#8836, DaveToronto#0001, Riggs#9576, flame#1316

What is it?

This proposal all started with a very simple thought, and that thought is this:

***"If someone were to take my CC0 Moonbird and remix it, how would I show that I co-approved this remix?". ***

From there, is gets a little more interesting..."Would that co-approval matter if I were a MB of say Elon Musks or Kevin Roses stature?". And finally..."Is co-approval a catalyst for either party involved to participate."

As I have been orchestrating my own co-creation remixes for the past weeks, I have seen several themes emerge that drive value back to Moonbirds community and the asset holders, through the mechanisms in the proposal I am here submitting.

Allow me to expand:

-Artists are open to co-creation with Moonbirds, and particularly Moonbirds because we are part of Proof and we are the art collectors PFP

-Co-creation allows for artists to more easily become multidisciplinary in style or technique, because it allows them to explore variances in their artistry that otherwise might not neatly fit in their individual theme(s) as an artist.

-Co-creation speeds up the propagation of that artists work because you are, by definition, merging the associations of two identities, and by extension social networks. Co-creations can be natively displayed on twitter, adjacent to where their social relevancy lives.

-Co-creation gives both creators a "voice" to say something, as opposed to single creation.

-Co-creation and CC0 go very nicely together.

-Co-creation allow for the possibility of unformed and evolving attention capturing narratives to take hold as a theme, meme, or trend.

-Digital artists like feeling technologically empowered and connecting with MB holders and co-creation strengthens that empowerment.

-Co-creation is the most basic unit of teamwork on the blockchain. This foundational unit can be built upon by other members, proposals, advancements, and ideas.

-Co-creation = mutual endorsement.

How does it benefit the Moonbirds and Mythics holder community?

1. Births a technological and social layer to CC0 assets.

2. Gives tools to MB holders that other communities don't yet have, in turn giving opportunities that others don't yet have.

3. Strengthens our tech x art x media flywheel.

4. Signals MB as technological and social pioneers

5. Since this is an autonomous tool and only available to MB holders, blockchain embedded co-creation turns every Moonbird into an access point for non-natives to enter web3.

About the team

I am a blockchain enthusuast, NFT collector, and crypto investor since 2019. I am a decade long entrepreneur having successful grown and marketed my NYC personal training company which had, until covid, maintained steady year over year growth in both revenue and client base. As it relates to this proposal, in the world of entrepreneurship you must conceive and execute strategies to target growth. This means identifying, developing, and closing on business opportunities. You must be creative, and know how to compete for attention and business. Strategically, this contract is a very good bet.

Furthermore, and as previously implied above in project details, I have already begun pioneering a co-creation performance called Bcc0-100(pinned tweet on my profile @jusnothermfer). In this project I have already been able to discover not the speculative, but the actual, ways in which artists and co-creators behave when presented the opportunity, as well as their stated incentive for participating.

This proposal actually doesn't involve much more than hiring developers to create the contract and user interface/website. I want no money or payment. This will be a public good for the proof ecosystem! I have more than sufficient competence, experience, and satellite resources to execute on this.

Product strategy

I will obtain the funds and then hire two parties.

1. Smart contract developer

2. Website developer to build the user interface to layer on top of the smart contract work.

I have already met with several developer team leaders who show strong interest in taking this work on. Expectedly, they want to link their development work with a strong community to see people using it. Moonbirds is this community and in that lies the interest.

I will also work with the development team, my network, and the Moonbirds ecosystem, to source website designersI. There are more than enough option to shop for this.

I want no money or payment from this. If no proper party is sourced, I will not collect the funds.

What are the risks?

The risks are that no one will want to co-create on the blockchain, ever. People wont find this type of contract relevant at all and the website will not experience any traffic. The funds will not have been put to good use.

Also there is a second consideration which is that while people do want to show co-creation on the blockchain, knowing who's wallet is who's in an easy fashion will not super clear. For example, opensea verifies wallets ATM but with this we would need more verification, and from some source. But I think this is just a minor problem to be solved. Dapps like Argent verify wallets by having guardians who basically socially verify who you are. I dont think is a reason to not build this, its just makes final verification slightly difficult.

What will the money actually be spent on? Do you expect any other money to come in related to this project, e.g. revenues?

The money will be spent on hiring the developers to make the smart contract mechanism, and the website developer to link a user friendly website to the smart contract for easy use. THIS WILL BE A MOONBIRDS/PROOF ECOSYSTEM PUBLIC GOOD...until the ecosystem decides that it should be accessible to all outside of the ecosystem

I expect people to use this technology to create works of art and/or socially relevant handshakes around contracts that could in fact benefit them directly and monetarily.

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