Our team would like to propose animating the full 10k collection into game-ready pixel sprite sheets used to integrate into the Worldwide Webb metaverse and establish the foundation for Moonbirds 2D game development!
Our team would like to propose animating the full 10k collection into game-ready pixel sprite sheets used to integrate into the Worldwide Webb metaverse and establish the foundation for Moonbirds 2D game development!
DaveToronto#0001 dotta#0001 Blondie23LMD#2357 BeautifoolData#3791 Inaros#0806
Our team at The Pixel Shop will produce the entire 10k Moonbirds collection as animated and game-ready 2D pixel sprites. To accomplish this, we will need to design sprite sheets (or a sequence of images) for each Moonbird asset in the collection, from their bodies and feathers, to their headwear and eyes. These sprite sheets will then result in an animated version of each asset when played together. We will then reassemble the collection based on the existing metadata for each token and produce a fully-assembled sprite sheet for each Moonbird in the collection.
With these sprite sheet, each Moonbird will then come to life with a 6-frame, four directional walk animation, and an 8-frame idle animation.
There are several potential benefits for designing Moonbirds’ animations/sprite sheets:
Worldwide Webb Metaverse Integration
- Worldwide Webb is a Web3 native pixel-based metaverse and MMORPG that we will integrate the Moonbirds collection into. Worldwide Webb has already developed many game types to play including RugBusterz (a rogue-lite game where you Moonbird will take on waves of enemies and bosses), a PvP MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) to battle other players and more!
Game Development and Content Creation
- Having these sprite sheets available for Moonbirds will allow indie video game developers and content creators the opportunity to build new experiences by leveraging the animations. Additional opportunities for community-led projects may be possible through game jams or hackathons. Our team hopes to explore a game development opportunity utilizing the Animated Moonbirds through a follow-up proposal after the completion of this project!
- Lastly, we will export each individual animations as a high-res GIF to allow holders to share their Animated Birbs on Discord or Social Media! Pixel art has a special way of bringing joy to the communities and Moonbirds is a perfect fit as a native pixel art collection.
Our team at The Pixel Shop http://thepixelshop.app will complete the project. We are a small and diverse team of 4 artists and game developers that have been providing animation and game development services in the Web3 space since March 2022. Our team has the experience and background to successfully complete this project.
We founded The Pixel Shop in February 2022 to offer professional animation and game development services to assist NFT communities introduce new forms of utility and interoperability. We have a team of professional pixel artists on our team that have established careers in the pixel art space designing independent games and working on teams at leading pixel art studios.
We have completed similar projects with other collections including Doodles, MeebitsDAO https://www.meebitsdao.com/pixel, and CyberBrokers https://twitter.com/CyberBrokers_/status/1644053562018746388?s=20.
Additionally, we are collaborating with Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult on their upcoming blockchain strategy game, [Battle for Goblin Town](https://twitter.com/GoblinTown_Game). Through our past experience, we have a strong understanding of the project scope, challenges, and cost.
The project will take approximately 8 to 12 weeks from kick-off through full assembly. We have an established workflow that begins with the illustration and turnarounds (north, east, south, west) for each asset. After our turnarounds are reviewed and approved, we’ll design the rest of the frames used to give the Moonbirds their animation.
We have allocated time in the budget for design and animation, quality assurance, project management, and programming for the final character assembly. The deliverables will include the following:
- Sprite sheet PNGs for every Moonbird (native size)
- Walk and idle animation GIFs for each Moonbird (high resolution)
- Sprite Sheets for all individual assets in the collection
- Asset Delivery - Our budget and product strategy does not include a delivery system to provide each holder their animated bird. We are capable of providing this service through our website; however, most clients that we have engaged with have provided it through their websites (see MeebitsDAO and CyberBrokers).
- Metadata - We would like to request the collection’s metadata from the team to facilitate the final collection assembly. We’re able to scrape the data; however, some traits (such as eye color) were not found through Opensea and will need to work with the Proof team to animate each Moonbird accurately.
Our team has identified the following risk and provided mitigating factors to consider:
- Financial Risk - Due to the project scope, estimating an accurate budget presents its own challenges. Due to our experience completing similarly scoped projects; we have a strong understanding in the amount of time, review, and oversight that is required to stay on budget.
- Operational Risk: Producing the animations for any NFT collection requires a large volume of assets to produce and metadata to assemble. We will be using Notion to manage the project lifecycle and are happy to provide access to both the project sponsors and any members of Proof’s core team for oversight. Further, our team has worked together for the greater part of the last year and have a commitment to our company and quality of our services.
Our budget estimates 80 hours of illustration, 300 hours of animation, 80 hours of project management/quality assurance, and 40 hours of programming. In total, the project scope will be approximately 500 hours and our funding request is priced at $60 per hour or $30,000 USDC total; consistent with market rates. We will work with full transparency with our proposal sponsors, both from a budgeting and art production perspective.