Onboard Honduran artists to NFTs and Web3 through a series of workshops and an exhibition.
Onboard Honduran artists to NFTs and Web3 through a series of workshops and an exhibition.
jp.mex#8924, artommy#6218, DonTicapo#0001, moonbernicio#7236, Mattness | Poorbirds#2636, SallyRide83#2298
We are organizing three workshops (two presential and one online), and one physical NFT exhibition in Honduras, to teach artists the following topics:
- How to create a wallet
- What are NFTs
- How to turn their art into NFTs
- How to use Marketplaces and which one they should target.
We are collaborating with the Honduran Museum of National Identity (MIN) to invite traditional artists and make a public exhibition of NFTs at the end of the workshops. The MIN has already agreed to collaborate and we have proposed dates already in line.
We will provide everything for the artists, including venue, displays, and food so they can focus on learning. The talks will be recorded and all the resources we create (slides, articles, tutorials, and videos) will be free for anyone interested in using them.
* This content and the workshop will be in Spanish.
- Position Lunar Society with the vision of supporting digital renaissance.
- Lunar Society added as a sponsor of the event.
- Marketing material produced from the event that the Lunar Society can use.
- Showcase Moonbirds and other PROOF artists at the exhibition.
I'm @Crisgarner, Moonbird holder since day 1, smart contracts developer at Cryptex Finance, and Devcon Scholar from the Ethereum Foundation. I'm a collaborator of Open Source and Education, and thanks to PROOF, a fan of digital and generative art.
Ethereum Honduras will organize the workshop (I'm one of the leaders of this community), some of the previous work of Ethereum Honduras are:
- More than 50 meetups, and special events & workshops about the Ethereum ecosystem like NFT onboarding, wallet workshops, DeFi, etc.
- Starting in 2022, we allocated funds for more than 19 scholarships for community members.
- Collaborated with other international communities such as Eth LATAM in launching their own Devcon CLR round.
- Launched a pilot for CLR rounds that financed 17 community projects.
- Organized NFT Future of Art, to present Honduran art as NFTs and hold a series of presentations on the world of NFTs, Ethereum, and Web3. https://twitter.com/EthereumHN/status/1601747486141747200.
Once the funds are approved, we will launch a call to artists to subscribe to the different workshops. The Museum of Honduran National Identity (MIN) has already agreed to collaborate with us to share this invitation with their artists and do the physical art exhibition with dates already being discussed.
At the same time, we will prepare the content and slides for the workshops in Spanish and start working with the MIN to organize the exhibition.
We want to showcase some art from PROOF and Moonbirds, we would collaborate with the Lunar Society to pick which NFTs are showcased, (we can even do this for the Honduran artist pieces). Some videos will be published after the event.
Here are some images of the NFT exhibition we did last year in a public commercial center.
- The main risk is that we can't get the attention of the artists, we are mitigating this by collaborating with the most prestigious museum in the country.
The money will be spent in:
- Venue: $500
- Display and Setups for the exhibition: $2500
- Prints and design: $1000
- Volunteers stipends: $600
- Food: $1400