The West Collection

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John Ryan

Support artists through thoughtful curation made possible by the staking of ETH (funding converted to ETH). Use the yield (and potentially some capital initially) to create a generative art collection. Use the collection to build awareness of this burgeoning art movement, in Ireland, a country with a rich history in the arts but one where there is very little commentary on generative art.

NFT (art)

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About the project

Support artists through thoughtful curation made possible by the staking of ETH (funding converted to ETH). Use the yield (and potentially some capital initially) to create a generative art collection. Use the collection to build awareness of this burgeoning art movement, in Ireland, a country with a rich history in the arts but one where there is very little commentary on generative art.

Mission alignment

  • Promote the Moonbirds and Mythics brand beyond web3

Community backers

.pwpwpw, axueth, teos.eth, deejjay, jingaling.eth

What is it?

Support artists and bring awareness of the generative art movement to Ireland, a country with a deep and rich history in the arts. Commentary on generative art has been unusually absent in Irish discourse.

Convert the funding to ETH and stake. Potentially use a small amount of the initial capital to kickstart the collection with a significant piece (e.g. Vera Molnár) and use the yield from staking to add to the collection over time. Also, leave open the option to use some of the capital for what might be considered an important drop (e.g. the recent Distant collection by William Mapan).

The yield may seem small however after a few months the fund would be in a position to collect (as an example) a piece from Color Study by Jeff Davis which is incredibly exciting when you consider it.

As you will see below I have demonstrated in the past my ability to curate a world class art collection on an extremely constrained budget.

There is also tremendous generative art below 0.1E across the Art Blocks collection. The most recent Braindrops release, Mappings by Ira Greenberg, was 0.1E to mint so there is plenty of scope to build a varied and interesting collection to showcase the world of generative art to an Irish audience.

As the staking rewards accumulate and compound over time, the collection can in theory run forever.

Above: Cottages in the West by Paul Henry

Below: Tempo de Amor by Manolo Gamboa Naon

How does it benefit the Moonbirds and Mythics holder community?

Moonbirds announced their new north star as being fully focused on art. This proposal embraces that idea. There are no gimmicks or tricks. It is an opportunity for a community member (and day-one nester) to use their knowledge and passion to build a beautiful generative art collection and bring this space we all love so much to a greater audience. I will also keep the Proof community abreast of any new pieces added to the collection.

About the team

I have been both collecting and creating digital art for years. I began my collecting journey in the wild-west days of Hic et Nunc on Tezos in what felt like a pure punk-rock collecting experience. I don't think anything has ever really come close to the feeling of collecting in those early HEN days.

During that period I collected work by great artists such as:

Matt DesLauriers

Zach Lieberman

Golan Levin

Manolo Gamboa Naon

Joshua Bagley

Michael Connolly

Andrew Bell



It is very possible, given a thoughtful and patient approach, to build an incredible art collection without huge funds and I have proven I can execute on this in the past (as signified by the artists listed above many of whom's work was collected for less than $10).

Product strategy

- Convert funds to ETH

- Potentially make a cornerstone purchase (e.g. Vera Molnar, William Mapan)

- Stake ETH

- Use staking yield to thoughtfully and patiently build a beautiful generative art collection over time

- In theory the fund can run forever due to the staking rewards

- Keep the Proof community abreast of any pieces added to the collection

- Spread the word of generative art in Ireland, a country with a rich artistic heritage

What are the risks?

Because this is a pure art proposal I do not see any risks here. The goal is to carefully curate a generative art collection on a relatively small budget and I have proven in the past that I am capable of doing this.

What will the money actually be spent on? Do you expect any other money to come in related to this project, e.g. revenues?

The money will be spent on generative art.

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